
Become a “Friend of Stone Reserve”

As you may have heard, there are plans to develop a “Stone Reserve Heritage Walk” from Redesdale, through Stone Reserve and to a look out point over the Campaspe and the Redesdale Bridge. The area has been surveyed and by the end of July a site plan and a clean –up of the reserve will have been completed.

We are looking to invite interested people to register their interest in the project and become a “Friend of Stone Reserve” (FOSR). There is no fee involved in registering your interest and becoming a friend. If you become a friend, you may want to give your time or expertise to the project – or you may want to volunteer on planting or clean-up days. It would be a great way of getting to know your local neighbours.

If you would like more information about the project, please have a look at the Stone Reserve Strategic Plan under Stone Reserve on this website.

To register your interest, please email us at:        or ring or text to 0407 116 899


Posted by Regina in News

Gilbruk Place – A Dementia Village Planned For Heathcote

A dementia village planned for Heathcote

Access to better health care has long been a regular ‘call-out’ in our Redesdale community engagement forums. I know from personal experience, as a I am sure many of you can relate, how frustrating, challenging and sometimes disappointing the search for appropriate and accessible services and local facilities are for our loved ones living with dementia.


  1. Dementia is currently the single greatest disability in older people (65+ years).
  2. It is now the 2nd leading cause of death: 5.4% of all males and 10.6% of all females.
  3. In 2020, around 450,000 Australians were living with dementia. It is estimated that 25,000 suffer from ‘younger onset’ dementia.

Dementia does not discriminate.

Recently we offered our community the opportunity to hear about a world first heath care initiative: a bush inspired dementia village in Heathcote. Sherrie Coote from Advance Heathcote Incorporated shared with us the story of “Gilbruk Place”:  which means ‘place of respect’ in the language of the land’s traditional owners, the Taungurung people.

Gilbruk Place’s vision is to build a 150 bed facility, addressing the needs of dementia sufferers with assisted living through to palliative care for people living within a 1.5 hour drive of Heathcote. No more long corridors of sterile patient rooms.  Gilbruk Place envisages its residents living in ‘small houses’ of 10 with communal living areas and access to open space that allows residents continue purposeful daily living. It is hoped that a clinical research and education hub will also be realised to ensure this facility contributes to and leverages best practice research to improve dementia care. Another difference will be the relationship of the village to the community:  the vision is that residents, their friends and family will venture out into the township and enjoy local amenities. Gilbruk Place will also include a small supermarket, hairdresser, a café and library, veggie gardens, recreation areas, a lake and a farm nursery.

A 17-acre parcel of land adjacent to Heathcote Health has been earmarked for the project. There’s a long way to go yet, but Heathcote Dementia Alliance is working on plans for a dementia friendly display home to showcase innovations to support people with dementia remaining in their own homes. Advance Heathcote Inc Working Group are in discussion with a short list of aged care providers and financial backers to make Gilbruk Place become a reality.

Those Redesdalians that did attend were treated to floor plans, site maps and the opportunity to share their ideas and thoughts for how to improve this plan and discuss the potential additional growth it will bring to our region.

A big “thank you” to Sherrie for giving up her Tuesday afternoon – we all came away impressed and excited about the possibilities. Thanks also to RRRC for, on short notice, allowing us to use the newly available Pavilion.

If you want to know more about this project:


Check this Video Presentation

Heathcote Dementia Alliance:


Posted by Regina in News

Redesdale Art Festival 2021

We are very pleased and excited to announce the Redesdale Art Festival is back for 2021!

With the support of the Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal, and a donation from the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund, RaDA will be busy preparing an art exhibition to showcase a diverse range of artworks.

Keep an eye out for more details in future Bridge Connection issues and on this website.


Posted by Regina in News

Media Coverage and Internet Access Advocacy Opportunity

Please each consider completing the following Connecting Victoria Engagement drop pin survey where you have the opportunity to flag where you’re experiencing coverage / access issues. A City colleague has already completed the survey and said it was very user friendly.


Please also encourage people in your networks to complete the survey.


Kind regards,

Deb Simpson

Coordinator Strong Communities  |  City of Greater Bendigo

PO Box 733, Bendigo, VIC 3552

T +61 3 5434 6261     |  M +61 432 594 142

National Relay Service 133677 then quote +61 3 5434 6261  |  W

The City of Greater Bendigo is on Dja Dja Wurrung and Taungurung Country.


Posted by Regina in News
Women’s Leadership Scholarships

Women’s Leadership Scholarships

Women & Leadership Australia (WLA) is currently offering professional development scholarships for emerging and experienced women leaders.

This great opportunity supports women across all sectors and industries through world-class leadership development programs, which are designed to maximise learning outcomes and provide skills and strategies to address real-world challenges. The WLA Scholarships provide real-world opportunities through applied leadership development programs.

Partial scholarships of between $1000 and $5000 are available to support women to undertake one of three leadership development courses. Funding entitlements depend on the programs, which include:

  • Leading Edge (for aspiring and emerging leaders): scholarship of $1,000
  • Executive Ready (for mid-level leaders): scholarship of $3,000
  • Advanced Leadership Program (for senior and executive women): scholarship of $5,000

Emerging and aspiring, mid-level and senior women leaders across Australia and in all sectors are eligible to apply. If unsure about the right program, Women & Leadership Australia can help you identify which program best suits your experience and needs.

Take a step towards a great future with WLA Scholarships! Expressions of interest are being accepted until 18 June 2021 (unless allocated prior). For more information, visit  Women & Leadership Australia’s website.

Posted by Regina in News

Grants available to manage gorse on your land

The Victorian Gorse Taskforce (VGT) is calling for project submissions for their 2021/22 community small grants program.

Property managers, their neighbours or local Landcare groups can attract up to $5,000 in grants to help combat gorse in your local area.

The VGT will support groups, starting from just two landholders, who are genuinely willing to control gorse and keep it under control.

VGT Chair Ron Cosgrave said if infestations of gorse are not controlled, they will continue to get worse. The time to start control is now.

“The VGT grant funding is about helping those who haven’t received past incentives, have old stands of gorse and need more support,” Mr Cosgrave said.

“In a way it’s like seed funding, a way to help landholders get the ball rolling in managing gorse.”

The longevity of gorse seeds can be decades, meaning one year of seeding generates decades of weeding or a lifetime of hard work.

Mr Cosgrave said gorse will also harbour invasive animals such as foxes, cats and rabbits costing you money and impacting on native species.

“Gorse infestations can also reduce land value dramatically and can promote a significant fire risk to your property.”

Interested landholders not part of a Landcare group can come together to deliver a project on their own.

All landholders who receive VGT grant funding must sign up to a three-year voluntary agreement to maintain their control.

The VGT 2021/22 community small grants program will close on 28 May 2021. For more information on how to apply visit



Posted by Regina in News

Help contribute to the development of the Stone Reserve Heritage Walk

An exciting project to develop a half kilometre walkway from Redesdale to a lookout overlooking the historic Redesdale bridge. It is planned to erect a monument to the 150 year old bridge and to create history boards depicting the colourful history of the bridge, the local area, the indigenous flora and fauna, and local aboriginal history.

Stone Reserve is a 2.5-hectare piece of land on the road between Redesdale and Mia Mia in Central Victoria. In the late 19th century, it was a stone quarry for the railways. In recent decades it has been used by the local primary school for outdoor activities and in the 1950s was part of the Federal Forestry Project. Recently the community celebrated the 150-year birthday of the bridge.

This will be a step closer to creating a walking track between the Redesdale and Mia Mia communities and an opportunity to honour the history of the local area. So let’s get donating!

To donate head to





Posted by Regina in News

Thankfully clear skies as Redesdale hosts Bobby Valentine & Band of Renown

Last weekend Redesdale hosted Bobby Valentine & Band of Renown at the Redesdale Reserve Oval.

A big thank you to everyone who attended the Health and Wellbeing event, I am sure all attendees would agree the night offered great music, plenty of food, clear skies and a fun atmosphere.

The RaDA and RRRC committees continue to work well together with their focus being to provide an enjoyable, safe community event where all ages can get together and enjoy our local facilities.

We would like to give thanks to Gary and Vicki Hardwick – Hardwick Kyneton; Wayne Smith – Farmer Smith Estate and John Beurle for their contributions.

None of this would have come to fruition without the financial assistance of The City of Greater Bendigo, and information support from Bendigo Headspace and Bendigo Health.

Lastly a big thank you to the committee members who helped out before, during and after the concert.

Pan Prendergast

President, RaDA



Posted by Regina in News